More to gnaw on

Thursday, 21 February 2013

A question for the jury

A lot of interest has been generated by the approach taken by the jury in the recent trial of Vicky Pryce, in particular the apparent inability of the jury to grasp fundamental aspects of their role in the trial.

My mind was cast back to the one criminal jury trial with which I, as a then trainee lawyer (in fact a then articled clerk, my mind had to go back a long way) was involved.  My then law firm carried out a lot of commercial, property and liquor licensing work for a brewery who asked us to represent one of their relief managers accused of assaulting a drinker in the Manchester pub he was managing.  We were no more than ten minutes into the trial when a juror raised a hand, asking if she could have a pen and paper to make notes.  Furrowed brows ensued and the barristers for defence and prosecution exchanged glances and sotto voce amazement that the jury could read.  Half a day later and the prosecution case lay in tatters.  The first prosecution witness gave evidence for the defence, and the second, the alleged victim, was dismantled by the forensic equivalent of a three-card trick by our barrister.  At this point the prosecution counsel asked for a word in private, during which he asked to stop the trial and withdraw the charges. The jury was then reconvened and told that while the prosecution had decided to withdraw the charges, only the jury could find the defendant not guilty and so the judge asked them to give a formal verdict of not guilty.  Lacking a foreman, the judge appointed the man nearest him, explained he was now speaking for the whole jury and asked him for the formal verdict of not guilty.  Judicial eyes revolved in their judicial sockets when the man said that he could really only speak for himself.  Eventually after a rather lengthy explanation of the formal role of the jury in doing what they were told, no more and no less, we got through the ritual and our man was set free, his reputation upheld.

Having spent two decades as a commercially focused in-house lawyer, one of the last places I would ever want to be would be sitting was in the defence team at a Crown Court, and I am pleased to say I have thus far succeeded in my aim and have not stepped inside a criminal court room since.  So I am not well placed to comment on the details or criminal theory of the jury's approach in the Pryce trial, other than to compare it with my own experience in that Manchester courtroom.  (For more informed discussion of the role of the jury I would recommend reading pieces by David Allan Green - and Richard Moorhead - )

Reading the initial headlines, I thought the jury may have had the same level of incomprehension of their role as my jury from all those years ago.  But reading the actual questions reveals a different position.  The questions are well written, clearly by intelligent people.  Some of the questions are quite searching and even the more surprising ones ("what do you mean by 'reasonable doubt'?") make sense outside a courtroom, and in the courtroom this was supposed to have been explained to them.  Perhaps one of the jurors got confused on the bus home to Clapham.

So my take on this is, how can apparently intelligent people be so apparently wrong?  I think it comes down to frames of reference - we all interpret the world around us based on the sum of our experiences to date, each giving us a unique frame of reference against which to set new experiences.  No doubt the jury experience was new to most of not all of the jurors, so they would each use their own experience of normal life as their reference point until someone explained why, in a particular case they should not.

There are good reasons why courtroom practices follow certain patterns even if they seem highly artificial.  There was a good reason why the judge in my case required the jury to find my brewery client not guilty, so that his reputation was upheld by the instrument set up to examine it.  And there are good reasons why we have contempt of court rules to prevent jurors' minds from being swayed by careless newspaper reporting.  But if as a juror you think about the case you are about to hear in advance, it is almost inevitable that you do so not as a criminal lawyer but rather as the plumber, estate agent or dare I say it, commercial lawyer that you are.  If we designed a criminal court process from scratch today, without all of the learning and practice we have had since juries were chosen to replace the hot iron bar in the trial process, it is quite possible that we would reach different conclusions about issues like whether jurors can use information obtained from outside the courtroom to influence their decision.  (As lawyers we might see the risks inherent in allowing this, but with most decisions in life we would not think twice about introducing other information to guide us on a decision so, if you are an intelligent layman, why not in the courtroom?)

So the intelligent juror comes to the court hearing with an approach which is conditioned by their own background and thinking about their role - their frame of reference.  And it is this frame of reference which establishes how they see the trial, including judicial directions to look at things in a different way from how they might have expected to do so as well as to suggest how to fill in gaps in the picture.  Perhaps the surprise here shouldn't be that the jury acted as they did in R v Pryce (1) but rather that it happens (or at least is reported) less frequently.

All of which brings me to my own perspective on the Pryce case, which is that we must always think about the frame of reference of the people we engage.  As an in-house lawyer most of the people I work with aren't lawyers; their frame of reference is consequently different from mine and so they come at issues with a different perspective, different analyses, different expectations and often different objectives from mine.  Constantly checking what I am saying to make sure that it takes account of these differences, and makes the best use of them, so that we don't end up with two different views of the same conversation, is hard but essential to get the best interaction between professionals.  (It cuts both ways - as a listener it is always valuable to remember that the other person's frame of reference will colour what they have to say and to do your best to strip away the coloration which results.)  This goes beyond merely avoiding legal jargon - just as the Pryce jury had questions of approach as well as questions of definition - but extends to trying as far as possible to understand the whole perspective of the other person.  The most successful lawyers I have come across (in-house and private practice) all share this approach of, in effect, thinking their way into the other person's shoes.  What is more surprising is that all lawyers aren't able, or aren't minded, or aren't trained, to do the same.  But then as the Pryce jury questions show us, these gaps of understanding arise, with damaging effect, more widely than one might think.